All You Need To Know About Thai Boxing

Thai boxing or Muay Thai as it is known in Thailand has become a popular combat sport over the last few years while more people are carrying out this sport. Indeed, if you are looking for a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy, then you could think about taking up Muay Thai training at a specialist centre in the United Kingdom. This martial art emerged in Thailand during the 13th century while it uses several contact points, including the elbows and knees, along with punches and kicks to submit an opponent. In addition, Muay Thai training can give you a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy while you can learn a number of self defence skills by taking up this martial art.

  1. Know how to fight with your elbows, knees and legs

Muay Thai is different from normal boxing in a number of ways, especially because you are allowed to use your elbows, knees and legs to kick and punch your opponent to get them to submit. This is very different to traditional boxing, which uses punches while the use of the elbows and knees are illegal in traditional boxing. However, Muay Thai in Reading uses several contact points during a contest while this type of martial art can give you a great way to stay fit and healthy, as well as learn self defence skills.

  1. Learn self defence

Another reason that you should carry out Muay Thai training is because you can learn a number of self defence skills which could assist you in a difficult situation. Moreover, you will learn about how to stay fit and healthy, and use a variety of types of punches and kicks in order to defeat your opponent.

  1. Enjoy a fast paced sport

Lastly, this particular type of martial art is well-known for being both exciting and fast paced while it combines the use of traditional boxing skills as well as the use of kicks and elbows in order to get your opponent to submit. This sport is known as the art of eight limbs because of the various types of punches and kicks that are available to every fighter to use.

  • Learn the art of eight limbs
  • Improve self defence
  • Fast paced sport

To conclude, if you are looking for a type of combat sport that can teach you a number of self defence skills as well as ensure you remain fit and healthy, you should think about taking up Thai boxing.